At Buffalo Covenant Church, we are committed to helping our families to equip the next generation of Christ-followers. Nothing can stop a church that equips its families and households to faithfully follow Jesus, and be lighthouses for the Kingdom of God amidst the darkness. Our church is determined to work together to equip every family with resources, and train them to disciple their children and teens to KNOW, LIVE and SHARE the Word of God.



Recent research offers a sobering reality. Fewer than 10% of parents who regularly attend church with their kids read the Bible together, pray together (other than at meal times) or participate in an act of service as a family unit. Only 28% of church youth have talked with their mom about faith and only 13% have talked to their dad. A staggering rate of 69-94% of evangelical children are leaving the church shortly after they graduate from high school.

It’s tempting to lay this issue at the feet of our culture, but is it really that easy? The scriptures are clear that the home is where faith is nurtured and passed from generation to generation. (Deut. 6:1-9, 2 Timothy 1:5). With the church becoming a trusted “outsourcing” partner for spiritual growth, a Christ-centered spritiual life in the home is being given lower priority. Jesus calls us to let our light shine before men. (Matthew 5:16) Our lifestyle and actions are noticed by our friends, neighbors, co-workers and especially our kids and grandkids. If we act differently for an hour at church on Sunday than in our every day life, it will be noticed. On the other hand, if we live a consistenly Christ-centered lifestyle every day, people will take even more notice.

The role of the church is to be a life-long partner, not a replacement or drop off center for kids. When a child asks a question like “What does it mean to be a Christian?”, it’s not sufficient for parents to drop them off and let the “experts” explain it to them. Parents need to be actively involved in explaining these spiritual truths to their children. While the church is an important place to learn about living for Christ and having the truth reinforced, the Christian life is not lived inside the church for the hour or so that families attend on Sunday mornings. The church will train, equip, encourage and support, but what happens in the home is more important and impactful than what happens at church. Faith@Home is the decision to partner the church with the family to live out a genuine Christian life 24/7 at home.



Reason #1—The Antidote to Hypocrisy: One of the primary reasons why people leave or do not engage in the Christian faith is hypocrisy. The idea of Faith@Home is to equip people to live a 24/7 genuine faith.

Reason #2 —Top Influence: When Christian teenagers were asked to identify the main influences that helped them become and remain Christians, the top two answers listed were Mom and Dad, and they were listed as being 2-3 times more influential than any church program. While church programs are important, they are secondary in the influence and impact that the home life has on faith development and nurturing.

Reason #3—Multi-Generational Impact: The choices we make today to be a Faith@Home focused family and church will impact not only us, but also the future generations as well.



DISCIPLESHIP—Buffalo Covenant wants to help every believer of every age to live the Christ-life 24/7 in their home, school, neighborhood and workplace. Whether you are a family of one or a family of many, you are part of the family of God at Buffalo Covenant. We are committed to providing sound Bible teaching that can be applied to modern life.

MILESTONES—Buffalo Covenant Church partners with parents to provide children with Biblical and practical understanding needed to experience a legacy of faith. In addition to regular discipleship opportunities, we encourage families to attend Milestones, which are seminars for children or youth and their parents. Each Milestone explores a particular faith discipline, such as prayer, communion, or stewardship. Our Milestone events are designed to help families celebrate the progress of their children as they grow in their faith while providing practical ideas and tools for family discipleship. Learn more about Milestones

GRANDPARENTS—Every grandparent has a significant role to play in the lives of their children and grandchildren. Special events, seminars, and retreats help grandparents catch a vision for claiming their role and responsibility as the spiritual leaders of their families. 

WORSHIP—Throughout Scripture, we read that families worshipped together. At Buffalo Covenant Church we encourage families to attend worship services in one hour on Sunday morning, and attend Sunday education classes in a second hour. Quality programs for children and youth are available, along with practical classes designed specifically for parents and other adults. The entire congregation welcomes children of all ages to worship, and quiet bags and children’s bulletins are available.

FAITH@HOME IN EVERY PART OF CHURCH MINISTRY—Seminars, conferences, and special events are offered regularly to help families develop a Faith@Home strategy that works for them. All of the various ministries of the church include intergenerational elements so that the entire family of God experiences the faith life together.

TOOLS & RESOURCES—Buffalo Covenant is committed to providing familes with the tools they need to implement Faith@Home. Contact the church office for a list of recommended books and other resources. 763.682.1470 | office@buffalocov.org